
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Vampire Diaries Episode 19- "Pictures of You"

Vampire Diaries was finally back with a new episode this Thursday, which thank god!

The opening scene we get to see Jeremy back!! So cool, right? Anyways he helps Bonnie in her dreams. We should have known something was up because Bonnie was at Jeremy's grave and he doesn't have one because Elena burn the house down and then turned off her humanity right away. 
Elijah tells Rebecca that he will give her the cure if she goes a whole day without using vampire powers. This should be interesting...
Then we get into the prom part of the episode. First off, Elena steals Caroline's dress. Stefan and Damon think taking Elena to prom will help bring back the humanity side and see what life used to be like when she had feelings. Bonnie is shocked to see how Elena truly is gone and Matt is having a hard time excepting it too. Stefan and Damon both take their turn trying to make Elena remember things from the past but she isn't falling for it. Rebecca asks Matt if he thinks she will be a good human. His response... "I've never seen you do a good thing, so no I don't think you will be a good human." Ouch! that one stung.
Caroline shows up in a dress from Klaus. Something from the family collection- which looks amazing. Rebecca wants April to swing the vote so she can be Prom Queen without compelling her. Elena threatens April to do it and Rebecca yells at her. Elena's quote reminds Rebecca about the time she compelled Elena, Stefan and Caroline at the school and made Tyler turn- letting her know she isn't a good person and she can't win Prom Queen if she opens her mouth and to let Elena do the work.
Elijah gives Klaus the white oak stake that Rebecca gave him.
Back at prom Bonnie realize she is seeing Jeremy because Silas is pretending to be him. She informs the group and Rebecca and Elena overhear. Matt and Bonnie win Prom King and Queen. Realizing they can't kill someone who they don't know what they look like, Elena realize that Silas needs Bonnie to do the spell. She tells Rebecca if you can't kill Silas- kill who Silas needs... Bonnie. Rebecca says she can't kill her because she can't be a vampire today and Elena says that's fine but she can kill her!
Tyler shows up at this house to see Caroline. They have a sweet moment together.
Back at prom Silas pretends to be Stefan and stabs Damon, telling him to leave Elena alone. Silas also informs Damon that Stefan is in the woods somewhere because he made Stefan believe that he was Damon also. Elena finds Bonnie and of course tells her she needs to stop being a problem and attempts to kill her. Bonnie does her magic stuff and puts Elena down but also sends a lot of wind into the crowd and breaks some lights and takes off. April walks in and asks Matt and Elena what is going on and Elena turns around and knocks April out and bites her neck for not making Rebecca Prom Queen. Matt is left holding onto April hoping she isn't dead. Matt ask Rebecca to help save Aprils life. While Bonnie is trying to leave Elena attacks her and wants to kill her. Elena gets sick from Bonnie's blood and Bonnie then starts hurting Elena. Stefan and Damon talk Bonnie down before she kills Elena. Stefan and Damon then stab Elena with vervain. Matt thanks Rebecca for saving Aprils life and swears he won't tell anyone that she used her vampire powers.... But Klaus sees everything while he waits in the background. While Klaus is telling Rebecca that she will tell Elijah herself what she did BUT back home Elijah is talking to someone that looks like Rebecca! He gives that person the cure... that person is Silas pretending to be Rebecca!
The episode finishes with Klaus seeing Tyler at the house as he was trying to leave. He gives him 5 seconds to go before he rips his heart out. Stefan and Damon put Elena in the dungeon. Klaus comes home to find a letter from Katherine about a witch plotting against him in New Orleans. Bonnie does a spell to find where Silas is hiding and goes to find him. They have conversation and Silas barely shows his face to her because it is very scared by Bonnie's ancestor.
Next week we head to New Orleans to see the back door pilot of "The Originals". Let me know your thoughts on the episode.

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