
Friday, May 10, 2013

Arrow Episode 22- "Darkness On The Edge of Town"

So last weeks episode was more about the back story of Oliver's dad and what the undertaking was. This week we returned to the story of Oliver on the island and present day issues. With the except of Walter's rescue this episode picked up right were the episode two weeks ago left off.

We see why Yao Fei lead the army right to Oliver, Slade and Shado's location. By showing Fryes were they were staying he thought it would give them a fighting chance to survive. Fryes was willing to blow up the enter island just to eliminate them. Fryers starts to hurt each one of them until Yao Fei is willing to take the blame for Fryer and his army. Fryers' employee wants every plane flying into China to be shot down using the missile launcher on the island... only thing they need someone to take the blame... Yao Fei. After each one of them is hurt once, Yao Fei agree to be that guy. Yao Fei give a knife to Oliver when Fryes isn't looking. After Yao Fei records his public message, Fryes thanks him and then shots him in the head- killing him instantly. That's all we get this week in flashbacks to the island.
Back in the present, Oliver searches for answers from his mother about what she is working with Malcolm on. He has Digg kidnap him and his mother and pose at the hood. Digg beats up Oliver until Moira talks. She finally admits to being involved with Malcolm and explains what the undertaking is (leveling the Glades to the ground). She tells "the hood" that it is to late to stop it. The team (Oliver, Digg and Felicity) figure out how they are going to get the location of the device to stop it. The three of them get into Malcolm's building and pose as different characters- Oliver as himself, Digg as a security guard and Felicity as a burger food deliverer. They manage to get the location and Felicity plants a bug on Malcolm's computer at the same time. Oliver as the hood makes a visit to Malcolm at his office and Digg goes to find the device.... which he soon finds out is gone. Malcolm and the hood fight and adventually Malcolm gets the upper hand and knock Oliver out. The first thing Malcolm does is remove Oliver's hood to find out who it is. Malcolm freezes and say "Oh no". This is how the episode ends.
Other story lines this episode, Thea and Roy continue to look for who the hood is. After Oliver finds this out he tells them to stay away from the hood. Thea listens but Roy doesn't. Thea makes him choose and he picks looking for the hood. Walter files for divorce from Moira and it crushes Thea. Oliver pays a visit to Tommy while they are looking for the location of the device. He tells Tommy that Laurel picked him and that he is choosing not to pick her by leaving her. Later in the episode after Laurel and Oliver had previous had a heart to heart and Oliver telling her he hasn't changed and they can't be together, Laurel goes to her father to talk to him about Oliver. He says he will never admit it to anyone but says that Oliver has changed since he has been back. Oliver seems to have a moment when he realize he wants to be with Laurel because he goes to her apartment and tells her he hopes it isn't to late and she tells him its not and they end up sleeping together. Tommy also sees them throw the window on his way over there.
What will happen next week? Will Oliver get away from Malcolm? Will the device be activated and take out the Glades? Will Laurel and Oliver finally be together and does this mean the sexual vibes between Felicity and Oliver is over now? Tune in next Wednesday for the season finale.

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